
Art Director and artist

I joined in midway through this project at Krillbite to help define the final visuals of the game. Coming up with the asset pipeline, the visual style and working tightly with the tech department to make something that’ll perform nicely on a variety of systems. I worked alongside other artists for assembling and setting up the work in Unity, but made all the assets myself.

Steam page:

Various in-game screenshots

VR production

We settled very early that we wanted to try a new technique in order to make the game look like a living painting. Rather than trying to make traditional 3D look more painted through textures, we opted for “painting” every asset in the VR app Quill. This fundamentally changed how we could work with 3d assets, but opened up a lot of opportunities to create a very unique look to the whole game.

Video showing how we assembled the art in the game using the VR program Quill

One of the very earliest tests of the visuals, getting it into engine and seeing that it ran

Another work in progress test - At this point we reached a total polycount of close to 700 million tris.

Key art and logo

2D art and outtakes of certain assets


Knutsen og Ludvigsen 2: 2D sequence art & 3D environment art


Kutoppen 3: Character & train design