Kutoppen: På sporet
Art Director & 2D artist - Character & Set design
I was brought onto this project from the beginning while working at Qvisten Animation, helping build upon the look of the first film and turn it into a wintery wonderland. I was mostly working as the only designer. All work below is done by me unless otherwise stated.
The film was directed by Will Ashurst
2D animated flashback
During the 3rd act we see a flashback back to the upbringing of one of the characters, giving her her backstory. I worked on creating 2D elements for all the visuals during this scene. I also set up the first pass of the After Effects work
2D intro animation
We wanted the intro credits of the film to really show off the art deco, old timey vibe of the film. To accomplish this I worked with 2D animator Tatyana Archtander to create a stylized 2D expression to represent the film.
I handled all work in after effects, creation of background elements, general art direction and the final shot, built and rendered within Blender

Farm hologram
During a presentation within the film the pig, Albert, turns on a projection and shows off a hologram-like vision of his future of Kutoppen. In order to produce this we went off-pipeline and I set up a custom 3d projection of a mock wireframe version of the kutoppen set. Except for the initial set, l built, animated and rendered everything in Blender.
The animation in question. The actual shots required different angles, but this is the one that shows it off the best
Color keys
I handled all the color key work this time around and joined in on the initial reviews and handouts for the lighters. Usually the color keys were painted over non-rendered 3D characters/sets from Maya screenshots/playblasts as animation had started at the time